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Welcome to How To Draw From Scratch!

In this drawing course I will share with you the key drawing skills you will need to draw with greater confidence, starting at the very beginning.

To me it is essential to keep going back to the basics and strengthen these fundamental drawing skills upon which all other drawing ideas are based on.

If you want to learn to draw from scratch, starting with the absolute basics, this is the course for you!

Ready to start?

Play the video below, and when you are ready to move on, just click the continue button at the top, to open up the next step.

How to post a question to me?

I am happy to answer all your drawing questions within this course.

To leave your questions please type into the comment box below each drawing exercise.

You questions will be viewable once I have replied.

How to post your drawings to me?

You can post your drawings you make within the course, of each drawing exercise you complete.

To do this, just click on the picture icon below the comments box in each Drawing Challenge and select your completed drawing for that exercise.

I look forward to seeing you drawings very much:)

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